Cannabis plant in air pot

Best pot size for autoflowers?

You might consider the type or size of the container you use for growing cannabis as an afterthought. But, cannabis pot size and especially autoflower…

Image of big marijuana plant

Top 10 High Yielding Autoflower Strains

Like many things in cannabis, autoflower strains have come a long way. Once looked down upon by many growers, autoflowering varieties are now quite capable…

Autoflowering Cannabis plant

Autoflowering Cannabis Myths

From breaking out onto the growing scene, autoflower seeds and strains have come a long way. At first, autoflowering varieties weren’t taken seriously by growers. But now, they are quickly becoming a viable and beneficial way to cultivate. With many…


The Origin of Cannabis Ruderalis

Cannabis ruderalis is a type of cannabis that is low in THC. It presents different phenotypes than cannabis indica and cannabis sativa. This sets it apart as its own species.

auto flowering seeds

What are Autoflowering Seeds?

Autoflowering seeds do not rely on light cycles to begin their flowering stage. Instead, they will begin to flower and form buds according to their age and size.

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